Friday 9 May 2014

Shooting The 90's

Charles Peterson: The Grunge Photographer

Charles Peterson, an acclaimed photographer, responsible for the many photos of the Seattle grunge scene in  the late 80's early 90's, he is no stranger to photographing celebrities. He has toured with band such as Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins and Sonic Youth, however his most famous photos (such as the familiar one to the right) are of Nirvana. Majority of his photos are in black and white and depict life on stage as a performer. He has had many exhibitions, along with book publications, portraying both his work and his personal accounts whilst on tour with these bands.

He has many overlapping similarities with today's paparazzi, however he is also very different. Majority of his photographs were of celebrities (typically musicians) both in their public and private lives. He would then sell set said photo's to either the record company's to use for promotional purposes, or to magazines such as The Rolling Stone. This is very similar to the behavior of today's paparazzi.

However the biggest and main difference is, the celebrities that he photographed, actually requested for him to be present. He would tag along with these musicians and go on tour with them. Another major difference between he and today's paparazzi is that he is in it for the artistry of photography, unlike the paps. Most of his photos are uniquely stylized to his own tastes. they are most often in black and white, as well as, depict a cause and effect occurring on stage or within the crowd.

His photo's are simply stunning. It feels as though you were present within the 90's grunge scene. It feels like you were only feet away from idols, such as Kurdt Cobain, Eddy Veder or Thurston Moore. These photos uniquely portray the 90's in a fashion we can all feel. And until we finally build that time machine, this is the closest we'll get to reliving the grunge scene.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Without A Deal

The Pixies without bassist Kim Deal

The Pixies recently debuted their fifth studio album 'Indie Cindy' as of April 29th. This is their first album in over 23 years, so obviously there will be significant differences in their overall sound. The biggest, and most obvious difference, is Pixies' bassist, Kim Deal, who announced she was leaving the band June 14th of last year, absence from the band. This has left many fans in question about whether or not their new release will indeed hold up to the Pixies name.

There were many reasons for Kim's departure from the band. Black Francis, Pixies front man, had this to say “She’s been reticent for a very long time to make a new [Pixies] record,” he said. “She was unhappy with the situation, or unhappy with her life or whatever, just not happy.” He also followed up by saying that if she wanted to return, she could, however he wouldn't be jumping for joy.

Overall their new album is critically very good. So, far one of the best of 2014 in my books. It definitely has that unique Pixies sound to it, that contrasts well with all the other music currently being released in the industry. However it sounds newer, more refined, and feels as though something is missing. Basically I'm saying it feels like a Coen Brothers Flick.

The album feels as though it is missing something quintessentially the Pixies... Kim Deal. She is a fundamental aspect to the Pixies as a whole. You could compare the Pixies after her departure to a body without a soul. Yes, all the old faces are there, but one is missing, and that makes everything, ultimately broken. WE WANT KIM BACK!!!

Album Review 4/5